Super Othello offers a new and refreshing remake of the classic board game. Othello, inspired on Reversi and Chess, is a challenging game that requires your concentration and strategy to beat your opponent.
This small game features an excellent and extremely fast gameplay, together with a number of options that make it really interesting.
As in the classic Othello for NES, in Super Othello is possible to play against the computer, or against another player, and you can even play online with people from all over the world.
There are some things you can customize like the background color of the board, among five bright colors, and the music playing along the game; it allows you to open your favourite mp3 or midi files to listen within the same game.
With a user-friendly interface, simple but efficient graphics, Super Othello is a game that will keep you busy for hours.
Othello is a classic, and Super Othello reproduces marvelously the essence of the game. Super Othello is a must-have in any computer.